Active & Adaptive Materials
We study the soft materials formed from biomolecular components of the cellular cytoskeleton that underlie cell structure, mechanics and dynamics. Such materials harness enzymatic activities of distributed biomolecules to enable distributed actuation and force-sensing that gives rise to autonomous behaviors of the cytoskeleton. From these, we construct fluids that spontaneously flow, contractile fluids, self-dividing droplets. We envision new classes of synthetic materials inspired from living organisms to generate programmable soft machines will allow for new classes of robotics, sensors and materials.

Figure (above) Active droplets of actomyosin. Myosin motors center and divide the actin droplet. See Weirich et. al.
Selected References
- The Actin Cytoskeleton as an Active Adaptive Material. Banerjee S, Gardel ML, Schwarz US. Annu Rev Condens Matter Phys. 2019; 11:421-439. (link) (pdf)
- Self Organizing Motors Divide Active Liquid Droplets. Weirich KL, Dasbiswas K, Witten TA, Vaikuntanathan S, Gardel ML. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2019; 116(23):11125-11130. (PMID: 31113883) (pdf)
- Filament Rigidity And Connectivity Tune The Deformation Modes Of Active Biopolymer Networks. Stam S, Freedman SL, Banerjee S, Weirich KL, Dinner AR, Gardel ML. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2017; 114(47):E10037-E10045. (PMID: 29114058) (link)(pdf)

Figure (above, left) Biochemical reconstitution of actin filaments (red) and myosin motors (green). See Murrell et. al.
(above, right) GIF shows actin filament deformations during contractility. See Murrell et. al.

Figure (above) An active nematic constructed from actomyosin. See Kumar et. al.
Selected References
- The Actin Cytoskeleton as an Active Adaptive Material. Banerjee S, Gardel ML, Schwarz US. Annu Rev Condens Matter Phys. 2019; 11:421-439. (link) (pdf)
- Self Organizing Motors Divide Active Liquid Droplets. Weirich KL, Dasbiswas K, Witten TA, Vaikuntanathan S, Gardel ML. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2019; 116(23):11125-11130. (PMID: 31113883) (pdf)
- Filament Rigidity And Connectivity Tune The Deformation Modes Of Active Biopolymer Networks. Stam S, Freedman SL, Banerjee S, Weirich KL, Dinner AR, Gardel ML. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2017; 114(47):E10037-E10045. (PMID: 29114058) (link)(pdf)